Benefits of Team Sports

Team sports like dragonboat have many benefits - physical, psychological, social, and emotional. Here are some things that dragonboat teaches individuals that go well beyond paddling and winning.

Entering into a new season in sports, one might only know a few of the players on the team (if any at all). Some of the players may actually be people you are not that fond of off the playing field. But when your team decides at the beginning of the season that it wants to be the team in the winner's circle, personal differences are often set aside for the common good of the team. Some players may have bigger egos than others. But that "my way or the highway" attitude will have to stay in check in a team sport because no one player is greater than the team. A good team player will put the needs of the team above oneself; and learn to be happy for other player's successes because they see how it benefits the greater team.

Team work in sports offers a way for people to compete for something together. Although it is important to know that winning is not everything in sports, healthy competition can be good for people. People can translate the hard work they've put into their sport by working harder to be a better student or employee and a better person overall. Working towards a goal can teach people the value of hard work, commitment and dedication and team sports are a great way to learn these values.

Team sports such as dragon boat are physical and often require heavy commitment and dedication from all players to be successful. By the end of the season, players who have been battered and bruised by the grind of the regular trainings and races may feel a strong connection, much like brothers (or sisters), to their teammates. The team work involved in these sports allows for people to become part of something of value and teaches people how to help someone on their team when they are struggling and offer them words of encouragement when they are performing either poorly or admirably. Team work can also give players a greater respect for one another and can build friendships that last a lifetime.

Team work in sports can help give participants stronger communication skills and teach them to work better with others. Many projects at work and at school often require a group to work together to put together a strong presentation to be looked at by the employer or teacher. Every member of that team must be pulling in the same direction to complete the project successfully. Additional advantages to team work in sports include learning to deal with conflict and exposure to a variety of ideas within the team.

Of course, team sports can also provide a regular and beneficial outlet for stress reduction and cardiovascular exercise. The regular activity can help mitigate the effects of long-term health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis, and it decreases the likelihood of developing obesity or other, related health problems. Many adults have trouble sticking with a workout, but loyalty to team members may be the perfect motivation to keep them exercising.

So, what's there not to love about dragonboat?

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