How to be a Successful Paddler: An 8-Step Guide

(1) Contribute.
Don't just sign up to be on the team. To be a successful dragonboat paddler, you must be a good team player. It is not enough to be the strongest or the best solo paddler. Your loyalty, effort and willingness to contribute to the team is more important.

(2) Always respect and love your teammates.

In diversity, there is strength. In a team, we will have team-mates with very different personalities, beliefs and value systems. Even when there are differences in opinions, we have to agree to disagree. In a positive environment filled with encouragement, respect and love, you will paddle harder, faster and stronger!

(3) Always respect your opponents.

Our opponents may be considered "enemies" during competitions but what happens on the water stays on the water. Regardless of victory or defeat, a successful paddler will always display grace and composure. The best sportsmen in the world are the ones who display good sportsmanship.

(4) Always respect and trust your Coach.
He is the one who trains and motivates you, week in and out. He is the one who believes in you when nobody else does. He is the one who takes quiet pride when you grow as a rower and as an individual. Your duty as a rower is to show him what you have learnt and to always do the best that you can; in every training, and in every race.

(5) Help one another out.

A team is like a village. We all need to work at it together to make the village a perfect place to live in. Help one another out when assistance is needed in any way. Don't be a "village idiot" by being disrespectful, selfish or unfriendly! Instead, be a good neighbour by caring and sharing with one another.

(6) Motivate.

Every once and a while, cheer on your team, even if nobody else does. It is like electricity. You can be the conductor for the "electricity" to pass through. Just shout out "Jia You" or any other words of encouragement. It's infectious! Don't ever be afraid to motivate!

(7) Train with commitment and conviction.

Training together requires commitment and effort from every member of the team. To be a successful dragonboater, you must commit to team training. You must believe in yourself and always be ready to push to your limits. Your coach and team-mates may not be able to tell if you are putting in 100% effort but you will know in your heart if you have given your all. Only if you have done your best, then will you truly be satisfied.

(8) Stay focussed.

Set personal and team goals and keep your sights on them. Be a go-getter. Do whatever is necessary to meet your targets, even if it means personal sacrifices have to be made. Don't slack off because you see others doing it. Instead, encourage your team-mates to stay on track the team goal. Being successful means doing all of the above and beyond what you are told.

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