Reflections - PA Paddle Championship

Dear all,

Thanks to everyone's concerted effort, PLK had a successful outing at the PA Paddle Championship last weekend!

Despite the haphazard race programming resulting in numerous back-to-back events for our team, we pushed on and scored medals in 3 out of 6 categories we took part in. We made it through to all 6 semi-finals (1 Bonus Round!) which is no mean feat considering the stretch in our manpower. All these would not have been possible without everyone's hard work and support.

Since MR500 in March, PLK has certainly made improvements as a team but this recent race outing also showed up some areas we need to work on. I am glad that we had the opportunity to gain another precious bout of race experience before going into our final battle of the season in June.

As the euphoria of last weekend subsides, it is time to review what we have learnt from the experience:

(1) FOCUS - During a race, we must be 100% focussed on our own boat. In our minds, we must know exactly what we are going to do from the start to the finish line - concentrate on pulling our hardest at the start, the longest during maintenance and the strongest at last charge. There should be no distractions i.e. glancing around at other boats, unnecessary talking etc and we must listen only to our coxswain. When we're completely focussed, we get into the "zone" where the surrounding white noise fades away and nothing matters except executing our best strokes to bring our boat first across the finishing line. When all of us are "in the zone" together during the race, our boat will fly!

(2) FITNESS - To reiterate Coach's "law of the land", we reap what we sow. This is true for all things in life. As dragonboat rowers, it is our personal responsibility to work on our individual fitness to ensure that we are giving our best to the team during races. Other than chalking up water mileage on Sat and Sun, the run and weights components are crucial to building up our endurance and strength so do take that seriously. I also urge everyone to come for the gym sessions at PLK CC on Wed evenings. When we train together, we help support and push one another to do more! The more we train, the more confidence we gain as rowers. So let's continue to push our limits and grow stronger together as a team.

(3) DISCIPLINE - I cannot emphasize enough the importance of discipline during races and training. Tardiness is unacceptable. It is everyone's personal responsibility to keep track of your own race times to be on standby for warm-up. When instructions are dispensed by Coach, myself, WQ or any appointed ICs, they are to be followed promptly. Dilly-dallying on race day is a cardinal sin when you know that your team-mates are all waiting for you to start. It doesn't matter if you are a rower, reserve, drummer, coxswain, gal or guy... In PLK, we depend on one another to succeed!

"Just as in a rainbow - if there was only one color it would not be beautiful. On our team - if there was only one player, it would not be victorious." - Unknown

Over the last weekend, I was heartened by how much everyone cares for the team. The "bubble tea gals" went out of their way to provide everyone with much needed refreshments during the long break. Kudos to Qixian for his feedback about race start and Sebastian Yeo for competing despite having a paper on Monday. Also, our loyal supporters and well-wishers - Cherwei, Geraldine, Gary, Janet, Joce, Mervyn, Shiwei, Jackson, Fizah - your presence and sms-es really boosted our morale! There were many other little acts of selflessness; too many to list but I appreciate everything that was done and sincerely thank all for contributing one way or another.

Hereby special mention must be given to the following individuals:

  • Wendy for her fantastic "behind-the-scenes" race admin support

  • Kahwan (& mum!) for the absolutely yummy egg sandwiches & fried rice

  • Steven for the delicious egg sandwiches on Sun

  • F & B personnel (Wei Leng, Chris, Wendy, Cedric, Mei2, Pei Tan, Brynner, Kenneth, Sheng Long, David, Edwyn Yeo, Clement, Derrick, Sheila) for keeping us well fed & hydrated throughout the 2 days

  • Roger, for taking care of logistics and keeping our cage in tip-top condition

  • Yuenwah, for the mahjong papers and pre-written race fixtures

  • Official videographer, Sheila, and all who helped with filming of races

  • Zealous photogs, Mei2, WeiLeng, Yuen Pei, Sheila, for capturing the priceless Kodak moments

  • Last but not least, a big thank you to Yeo for being here, there & everything whenever help was needed at any corner!

Dear team-mates, we have a good thing going here. PLK is a team of champions - not just because of the medals we win but because we genuinely care for one another. Let's continue to keep up the good work!

The Singapore Dragon Boat Festival (a.k.a June Race) will be a much bigger playing field with stronger opponents. From now till then, there will be a lot more sweat, sacrifice and hard work involved if we each want to make a difference to the team. I firmly believe that win or lose, we will never regret working hard, being disciplined or focussing too much. If we commit ourselves to showing up for training and pushing our limits every session, the rest will take care of itself.

Counting down to 27 & 28 June - 54 days, 14 waterworks & 8 land trainings.

PLK, we must prepare our bodies and minds for the big battle.

Let's get ready to draw the first blood.

By Captain (Evelyn)

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